1/19/2003 Donald Rumsfeld This Week - ABC http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=1308 Stephanopoulos:
Good morning, everyone. Our guest this morning, fresh off the cover of
"Time" magazine, is the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Welcome, Mr.
Secretary. Rumsfeld:
Thank you very much. Stephanopoulos:
The chief U.N. weapons inspectors are in Baghdad this morning with very tough
words for Iraq. But they've also said in recent days that they need more time,
perhaps several months, to finish their job. And French president Jacques
Chirac has backed that call. Is there any harm in taking that time? Rumsfeld:
Well, you know, it's interesting. It would be logical to take time if one
actually believed that we were sending in not inspectors, but finders,
discoverers, people who were going to go out and go through that vast country
and climb through tunnels and catch things that someone didn't want them to
see. Stephanopoulos:
But isn't that what they're doing? Rumsfeld: Oh,
no. My goodness, no! The test here is not whether they can find something. The
test is whether or not Iraq is going to cooperate. The reason -- only reason
for inspections is if a country is willing to say "yes, we're ready to go
along with what the world community wants and show you what we have and you can
come in and we'll destroy it." Now, think of it, South Africa did that.
Kazakhstan did that. Ukraine did that. We know what an inspection operation
looks like. Stephanopoulos:
But Iraq isn't doing that? Rumsfeld: Of
course not. They've submitted a fraudulent declaration. There are great gaps
between their records with respect to anthrax and botulism and sarin and VX.
They are not submitting the list of scientists that could be taken out of the
country. They have systematically not done things in a cooperative way. Now,
the inspectors have every right in the world to be concerned about that. Stephanopoulos:
But as a practical matter, if there is no "smoking gun," can you get
the coalition you need to fight this war? Rumsfeld: Oh,
it's already there. There are a large number of countries that have already
said they're willing to participate in a coalition of the willing. And there
will be more at that point in the event that cooperation is not there from
Iraq. I mean, the
hope is that -- the last thing anyone wants is to use force. War is your last
choice, not the first choice. The hope is that Iraq will be cooperative. If
they're not, the hope is that Saddam Hussein will leave the country. And there
are countries in that region that is hoping that's the case. If not, the hope
is that the people of the country will take back their country and their
government from this vicious regime. Stephanopoulos:
How about the argument that with the inspectors there right now, U.S. forces in
the region, Saddam Hussein is effectively contained, so you don't need to take
quick military action? Rumsfeld:
Well, what we know is that containment hasn't worked. If you think of what the
international community has done for a decade -- they have tried economic
sanctions, we've tried diplomacy, they've tried the use of limited military
force in the northern and southern no-fly zones, they have now gone to the U.N.
to get a resolution, and the only reason there are inspectors in there at all
is because of the threat of the use of force. I mean, that is what's supporting
the diplomacy that exists. Stephanopoulos:
In the last few days, the inspectors have come across some finds. A dozen empty
chemical warhead shells. A cache of nuclear documents. What do you make of
these findings? Rumsfeld:
Well, if you think of the fact that there have been no inspectors there for
four years, I guess it's been, three or four years, that you've got a country
and a regime that is very skillful at denial and deception -- they are actively
trying to deceive the inspectors and the world. One has to almost think that
anything that's found, quote, "discovered," has to be something that
Saddam Hussein was not uncomfortable having be found. I mean, how else would it
be found? The country's enormous. Stephanopoulos:
You don't think it could have just been by mistake? That's what they say. Rumsfeld: It's
serendipity. You could make a mistake. Sure, that's possible. But I can't
believe that -- if you think back to inspections, the way people have learned
things that the regime did not want was almost always from a defector, someone
who got outside the country, like his two sons-in-law did, and then meet with
the inspectors, told them what's going on. Now, of course, Saddam Hussein
killed his two sons-in-law. So that's the threat against any inspector --
correction, any scientist that an inspector might talk to. Stephanopoulos:
You know, you say that keeping the inspections going might not do any good. But
I guess my question is, is there any military disadvantage to taking this extra
time? Is there a time when the window for military action closes? Say by late
March-April? Rumsfeld:
Well, you know, not really, if you think about it. The flow of forces by the
United States and the preparations by other countries -- there's a good deal of
planning going on by other countries with the United States, and the United
Kingdom has made some alert decisions and mobilization decisions -- that
process costs money. And it is not something one wants to do unless there's a
value in doing it. And so we've been trying to be careful and measured in how
we did it, and the numbers people, and the flow, the pattern that we've done
it. But the United States Armed Forces are prepared to do what the president
asks them to do. Stephanopoulos:
At any time? Rumsfeld:
There's obviously better times than others. Stephanopoulos:
What's the best time? Rumsfeld: Oh,
I don't think I want to get into it. Stephanopoulos:
Okay. Let's turn to diplomacy. The Saudis and other Arab nations have moved
this week with a plan. They're floating a plan that would offer Saddam Hussein
exile or, alternatively, isolate him by providing amnesty to up to several
hundred senior Iraqi officials. Do you think that's a good idea? Rumsfeld: Oh,
I think war is your last choice. I would be delighted if Saddam Hussein threw
in the towel, said "the game's up, the international community has caught
me, and I'll just leave." Stephanopoulos:
And if he did that, would the United States be willing to give him immunity,
say, from war crimes prosecutions? Rumsfeld:
Well, I'm not in the Justice Department or in the White House and those are
questions for them. But if -- to avoid a war, I would be, personally, would
recommend that some provision be made so that the senior leadership in that
country and their families could be provided haven in some other country. And I
think that that would be a fair trade to avoid a war. Stephanopoulos:
Do you have much hope that a plan like that can work? Rumsfeld: I'm
always hopeful. I think that the people in his country know what a vicious
regime he runs. And they may decide to throw him out. He and his family may
decide that they've run their string and that they'll leave. I just don't know.
Certainly, either of those courses would be preferable to the use of force. Stephanopoulos: Meanwhile, you have to prepare for
war. I want to show up on the screen some guidelines you wrote for yourself
that you think you have to think about before you commit forces to combat. They
were printed in "The New York Times." Let me show it for our viewers
right now. It says:
"If there is a risk of casualties, that fact should be acknowledged at the
outset, rather than allowing the public to believe an engagement can be
executed antiseptically, on-the-cheap, with few casualties." What should the public know right now
about what a war with Iraq would look like and what the costs would be? Rumsfeld:
Cost in dollars or cost in lives? Stephanopoulos:
Dollars and human costs. Rumsfeld:
Well, the lesser important is the cost in dollars. Human life is a treasure.
The Office of Management and Budget estimated it would be something under 50
billion dollars. Stephanopoulos:
Outside estimates say up to 300 billion. Rumsfeld:
Baloney. How much of that would be paid by the
United States, how much by other countries is an open question. But if you
think about it, September 11th, besides the 3,000 lives, cost this country
hundreds of billions of dollars. So, yes, measure the risk of acting, but also
the risk of not acting. And if we suffered a biological September 11th, the
cost would just be many, many, many multiples of any conflict. Stephanopoulos:
But do you think the risk of an attack like that, another attack on the United
States is increased by taking military action against Iraq? Rumsfeld: It
is clearly decreased, because every day that Iraq continues with its chemical, biological,
and nuclear programs, they get that much more mature and that much closer to --
in the case of nuclear -- to his having a nuclear weapon. Stephanopoulos:
But might not an attack inspire other terrorists to try to attack the homeland? Rumsfeld: I
don't think the other terrorists need inspiration to attack us. They already
have. They're trying to do it now. We're frustrating it all across the globe by
arresting people and putting pressure on them. In terms of
human life, the other part of your question -- first of all, war is always
unpredictable. It never plays out. We know he has chemical and biological
weapons. Might he use them? Yes, he might. Stephanopoulos:
And we're prepared for that? Rumsfeld: Our
forces are prepared. Stephanopoulos:
How -- he's also said, he had a speech the other day, I'm going to show a
segment from that, Saddam Hussein did, and in that speech he said,
"Baghdad, its people and leadership is determined to force the Mongols of
our age to commit suicide at its gates." I guess that means he's saying if
you want to come here, you're going to have to fight in the streets of Baghdad.
What kind of challenges does that pose to the military? Rumsfeld:
Well, first, Saddam Hussein is a liar. He lies every single day. He's putting
weapons systems right next to mosques, next to schools, next to hospitals, next
to orphanages. He's talking about "human shields." He is still
claiming that he won the war. His people are being told every day that they
won. It was a great victory in 1991 when he was thrown out of Kuwait and chased
back to Baghdad. Now, it seems
to me that almost every time you quote something from him, you should preface
it by saying "here's a man who has lied all the time and
consistently." Stephanopoulos:
So you think he might not fight in Baghdad? Rumsfeld: I
have no idea what he'll do, but he is only one man. He may very well want to
use weapons of mass destruction. But his people are going to have to carry that
out, his military. And we have let his military know that anyone who is anyway
connected with weapons of mass destruction, and if they are used in a conflict,
if force is used, that they will be held personally accountable. And they will
be. Stephanopoulos:
But even without weapons of mass destruction, urban warfare itself is a dirty
business. Rumsfeld: All
warfare is a dirty business. I don't know what the people of Baghdad would do.
There's a large population of Shi'ia that are no fans of Saddam Hussein in
Baghdad. They could revolt. There have been indications that he's -- he's used
chemicals on his own people before, as well as on his neighbors. It's entirely
possible he could do something like that. So, I think to
try to predict what kind of a, this "Fortress Baghdad" concept, to
predict how that might play out, I think, is probably not possible. Stephanopoulos:
There seems to be some increasing restlessness about the possibility of war
here at home. Demonstrations across the country yesterday, including here in
Washington, estimates anywhere from fifty to five hundred thousand people. I
know that's a wide range of estimates. Rumsfeld: Come
now! Stephanopoulos:
How many do you think were there? Rumsfeld: I
have no idea. Stephanopoulos:
Well, we're showing them now. But what I want to do is also play an ad that a
group who are opposed to the war ran this week. It was reminiscent of the
"Daisy" ad in 1964 and they spell out -- they spell out there some of
the arguments against going to war and I want to show that ad in just a second,
if we can replace the screen. Voice From TV
Ad [Child counting]: One, two, three . . . Announcer From
Ad: War with Iraq. Maybe it'll end quickly. Maybe not. Maybe extremists can
take over countries with nuclear weapons. Voice: Five,
four, three, two, . . . Announcer From
Ad: Maybe the unthinkable. [Sound of
Nuclear Explosion] Stephanopoulos:
What do you make of that ad and that argument? Rumsfeld: You
know, I was a congressman in the 1960's when Lyndon Baines Johnson's campaign
ran that ad, similar to that. I watched it. It was -- Stephanopoulos:
It only aired once. Rumsfeld: It
was taken off -- it aired thousands of times because people replayed it in the
media. But they only paid once. Stephanopoulos:
Uh-huh. Rumsfeld: And
they got -- but it was taken off because it was considered so irresponsible.
And properly so. Stephanopoulos:
And you think that's irresponsible? Rumsfeld: I
haven't seen the full ad. Of what I saw, I would equate it to the ad that
played in the 1960s. Stephanopoulos:
But how about the argument -- Rumsfeld: And
let me say, when I say "irresponsible," I think unhelpful to their
cause. In other words, I don't think that that is the kind of thing that
persuades people. Persuasion is reason, as well as emotion. And that is so
unreasonable that -- people have free speech. They can run ads or say whatever
they want. That's fine. And I don't mean to suggest they can't. I just don't
think that that's persuasive. Stephanopoulos:
Let's turn to North Korea. A Russian envoy is in North Korea today, offering
what seems to be -- is reported as a new deal. If North Korea gives up its
nuclear weapons production facilities, they will get in return some sort of a
security guarantee, plus aid. Does a deal like that make sense to you? Rumsfeld:
Well, the president was prepared, Colin Powell has pointed out that the United
States was prepared to offer a bold approach when they went there, Assistant
Secretary Kelly went there and was told by the North Koreans that they were
violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty, the agreed framework, the North-South
Agreement, and the International Safeguards on Atomic Energy. The principles
the president has articulated are that we want to take a diplomatic path, that
we will not pay blackmail money, that the central requirement is that they end
their nuclear capabilities and their programs. They have two, at least two,
that we know of, nuclear programs going on. This is the world's biggest
proliferator of ballistic missiles. And their danger to the world is not just
that they might use these capabilities, but that they would proliferate nuclear
weapons and nuclear materials to other countries. Stephanopoulos:
They've started up the reactor again at Yongbyan. If they reprocess that spent
fuel and move it out of the reactor so that at any time they could then build
the weapons, what would the United States do? Back in 1994, the Clinton
administration readied plans to attack if that happened. Is that the policy of
the United States government now? Rumsfeld: The
current policy is, as I've stated, that we're on a diplomatic track. The
president, when he was in Korea, said we have no plans to invade North Korea,
and the latest speculation about talks that came out of some government
official were not correct. Stephanopoulos:
That was a report of the incoming president saying Americans had talked about
military action. Rumsfeld: Yes.
And I think he's retracted that in some way. Stephanopoulos:
So that's no true? Rumsfeld: And
the -- in the Clinton administration, Bill Perry was Secretary of Defense, and
he called in the former Secretaries of Defense and we had a meeting. And he
talked about how close they were to might having to use military force -- Stephanopoulos:
Are we that close now? Rumsfeld: --
and he asked our views. And he asked whether we would be supportive of that.
And there was broad support for Bill Perry's discussion on that occasion. At the current
time, we're at an early stage of the diplomacy, it seems to me. Stephanopoulos:
Mr. Secretary, thank you very much. Rumsfeld:
Thank you. Good to see you. Stephanopoulos:
Good to see you. We'll be right back. |