10/16/2002 George W. Bush President Signs Iraq
Resolution White House East Room http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021016-1.html THE
PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Good
morning. Welcome to the White House. I want to thank the members of my Cabinet
who have joined us. I want to thank the members of Congress who are here on the
stage. I want to thank the members of Congress who are here in the audience.
I'm honored to have you here. The
resolution I'm about to sign symbolizes the united purpose of our nation,
expresses the considered judgment of the Congress, and marks an important event
in the life of America. The 107th Congress is one of the few called by history
to authorize military action to defend our country and the cause of peace. This is among
the most serious and difficult decisions a legislator can face. Members of both
Houses, both political parties, have deliberated with care, and they have
spoken with clarity on behalf of the American people. We will face our dangers
squarely, and we will face them unafraid. With this
resolution, Congress has
now authorized the use of force. I have not ordered the use of force. I hope
the use of force will not become necessary. Yet, confronting the threat posed
by Iraq is necessary, by whatever means that requires. Either the Iraqi regime will give up
its weapons of mass destruction, or, for the sake of peace, the United States
will lead a global coalition to disarm that regime. If any doubt our nation's
resolve, our determination, they would be unwise to test it. The Iraqi
regime is a serious and growing threat to peace. On the commands of a dictator,
the regime is armed with biological and chemical weapons, possesses ballistic
missiles, promotes international terror and seeks nuclear weapons. The same
dictator has a history of mass murder, striking other nations without warning;
of intense hatred for America; and of contempt for the demands of the civilized
world. If Iraq gains
even greater destructive power, nations in the Middle East would face
blackmail, intimidation or attack. Chaos in that region would be felt in Europe
and beyond. And Iraq's combination of weapons of mass destruction and ties to terrorist
groups and ballistic missiles would threaten the peace and security of many
nations. Those who choose to live in denial may eventually be forced to live in
fear. Every nation
that shares in the benefits of peace also shares in the duty of defending the
peace. The time has arrived once again for the United Nations to live up to the
purposes of its founding to protect our common security. The time has arrived
once again for free nations to face up to our global responsibilities and
confront a gathering danger. In 1991, Iraq
was given 15 days to fully disclose all weapons of mass destruction. The
dictator has successfully defied that obligation for 4,199 days. The dictator
has -- and during this 11-year period of his dictatorship the regime has become
highly skilled in the techniques of deception. It has blocked effective
inspections of so-called presidential sites -- actually 12 square miles with
hundreds of structures where sensitive materials could be hidden. The regime
has forged documents, disabled surveillance cameras, and developed mobile
weapons facilities to keep ahead of any inspector. The Iraqi
regime has frustrated the work of international inspectors by firing warning
shots, by tapping the telephones, confiscating their documents, blocking aerial
inspection flights and barring access to sites for hours while evidence is
carried away. At one location, inspectors actually witnessed Iraqi guards
moving files, burning documents, and then dumping the ashes in a river. Aboard
U.N. helicopters, Iraqi escorts have physically struggled with inspectors to
keep them from approaching certain areas. For Iraq, the
old weapons inspection process was little more than a game, in which cheating
was never punished. And that game is over. The ploys and promises of the Iraqi
regime no longer matter. The regime is free to continue saying whatever it
chooses; its fate depends entirely on what it actually does. Our goal is
not merely to limit Iraq's violations of Security Council resolutions, or to
slow down its weapons program. Our goal is to fully and finally remove a real
threat to world peace and to America. Hopefully this can be done peacefully.
Hopefully we can do this without any military action. Yet, if Iraq is to avoid
military action by the international community, it has the obligation to prove
compliance with all the world's demands. It's the obligation of Iraq. Compliance
will begin with a accurate and full and complete accounting for all chemical,
biological and nuclear weapons materials, as well as missiles and other means
of delivery anywhere in Iraq. Failure to make such an accounting would be
further indication of the regime's bad faith and aggressive intent. Inspectors
must have access to any site in Iraq, at any time, without pre-clearance, without
delay, without exceptions. Inspectors must be permitted to operate under new,
effective rules. And the Iraqi regime must accept those rules without
qualification or negotiation. To ensure that
we learn the truth, the regime must allow witnesses to its illegal activities
to be interviewed outside of the country. These witnesses must be free to bring
their entire families with them, so they're beyond the reach of Saddam
Hussein's terror, Saddam Hussein's torture, Saddam Hussein's murder. In addition to
declaring and destroying all of its weapons of mass destruction, Iraq, in
accordance with U.N. Security Council demands, must end its support for
terrorism. As the U.N. demands, Iraq must cease the persecution of its civilian
population. As the U.N. demands, Iraq must stop all illicit trade outside the
oil-for-food program. Iraq must also release or account for all Gulf War
personnel, including an American pilot whose fate is still unknown. The United
States takes the resolutions of the Security Council seriously. We urge other
nations to do the same. We're working to build the broadest possible coalition
to enforce the demands of the world on the Iraqi regime. I've told all the
members of the United Nations, America will play its historic role in defeating
aggressive tyranny. I hope the
good people of Iraq will remember our history, and not pay attention to the
hateful propaganda of their government. America has never sought to dominate,
has never sought to conquer. We've always sought to liberate and to free. Our
desire is to help Iraqi citizens find the blessings of liberty within their own
culture and their own traditions. The Iraqi people cannot flourish under a
dictator that oppresses them and threatens them. Gifted people of Iraq will
flourish if and when oppression is lifted. When Iraq has
a government committed to the freedom and well-being of its people, America,
along with many other nations, will share a responsibility to help Iraq reform
and prosper. And we will meet our responsibilities. That's our pledge to the
Iraqi people. Like the
members of Congress here today, I've carefully weighed the human cost of every
option before us. If we go into battle, as a last resort, we will confront an
enemy capable of irrational miscalculations, capable of terrible deeds. As the
Commander-in-Chief, I know the risks to our country. I'm fully responsible to
the young men and women in uniform who may face these risks. Yet those risks
only increase with time. And the costs could be immeasurably higher in years to
come. To shrink from
this threat would bring a false sense of temporary peace, leading to a future
in which millions live or die at the discretion of a brutal dictator. That's
not true peace, and we won't accept it. The terrorist
attacks of last year put our country on notice. We're not immune from the
dangers and hatreds of the world. In the events of September the 11th, we
resolved as a nation to oppose every threat from any source that could bring
sudden tragedy to the American people. This nation will not live at the mercy
of any foreign power or plot. Confronting grave dangers is the surest path to
peace and security. This is the expectation of the American people, and the
decision of their elected representatives. I thank the
Congress for a thorough debate and an overwhelming statement of support. The
broad resolve of our government is now clear to all, clear to everyone to see:
We will defend our nation, and lead others in defending the peace. May God bless
your work. (Applause.) |